Coming out of darkness

Often, I meet young people who are seeking light, seeking happiness and searching for the right place for themselves and their own hopes for the future. I get to see, share and experience their darkness. I get to sit with that. It feels like so counter intuitive to what I have created in my life, more than that it makes me a little impatient with their life, their attitude somehow towards it. But I promise that I know that everyone is doing the best that can, even if they don’t seem to be doing that well at the time. I believe deeply that if I can create happiness in my life, and experience unending joy, and continue to live relentless as if there was no painful past, I know that they can too. There are tools to help us get through and yes, more older we get the more baggage we can create but also more tools open up to us to live a happier, healthier and harmonious life. It is going to get better. It is going to be beautiful and not because we are working on meeting some societal expectation but because we truly have achieved a level of inner success, a level of self-trust and a faith in the self-work that it would take one to get where one wants to be. I want to remind all my young folks, no matter where you are and what you are going through, it is only getting better. It is better already than it could be if you were not seeking this for yourself.